Nicotine patches, gums and drug therapies-Your way to quit smoking

Hey readers it has been long since I wrote something for you this time I got an opportunity to write something different. It isn’t easy to quit smoking once a person has become habitual of smoking, but now there are many nicotine alternatives which make a person quit his smoking habit. The nicotine alternative act as a substitute to cigratte nicotine but is less harmful.
Therefore one with the prescription of a doctor can quit smoking by using one of these below mentioned ways:


1. Nicotine patches, gums and inhalers


If you’ve tried to quit before and failed because the craving for nicotine was too strong, nicotine replacement therapies may help. Gum,
lozenges, and patches are available over-the-counter of a chemist store, though one can also prefer inhalers and nasal sprays but it requires prescription. Lozenges and gums are handy and one can put it in mouth instead of putting cigarette in it. Some smokers even prefer inhalers as this mimic there act of smoking. But one thing you must keep in mind that you can’t continue smoking along with therapy. Therefore doctors prefer

one must make his mind in order to start therapy.

2. Drug therapy

Drugs like Chantix and Zyban have been very effective to make one quit his habit of smoking within few weeks. About 30% people quit smoking after taking these drug therapies.
Though it are more effective than other therapies but according to FDA these drugs are highly dangerous as they may cause mood disorders in making person getting suicidal thoughts, depression,agitation and hostility.
So if a person taking these drugs feel a change in his behavior must consult doctor at once.

3. Counseling and psychological support

Along with the therapies the person requires a psychological support and guidance which may make them mentally strong to quit their habit of smoking.

4. Never rely on a single therapy

It is important that if you aren’t able to get control over your smoking habit then you should try other therapy, maybe because the one you took doesn’t matched your lifestyle.

I hope this may help a lot people to quit there habit of smoking all they need is a proper mindset in order to succeed.
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