5 Ways Fat Burners would Deteriorate Your Health


Hello today I am gonna write about how fat burning supplements would deteriorate your health. The market of fat burning supplements is progressing and flourishing in the modern era and most of the people are preferring these supplements considering a shortcut of getting rid of those extra calories that has accumulated on them, but they had never thought about its side effects and its functioning.
The work of fat burning supplements is to speed up the metabolic rate of an individual which leads to rapid weight loss due to fast consumption of calories and hence unwanted fat disappears from one’s body.
Now let me come to the issue of concern, i.e. side effects of fat burning supplements.

1. Remarkable Rise in Blood Pressure
As had previously described that fat burners heat up body by increasing metabolic rate causing weight lose. Some institutions like Vanderbilt University claims that fat burners containing caffeine and ephedrine lead to a remarkable increase in blood pressure. This may lead to risk of decreased circulation.

2. Dehydration
Dehydration can no doubt occur in people using these fat burners especially in summers. Many institutions like Vanderbilt University claims that fat burners containing ephedrine and caffeine can lead to dehydration leading to excess loss of water especially during workout time. 

3. Mental Instability
It has been also noticed that these fat burning supplements may lead to psychological imbalance. It may cause cause nervousness, anxiety and mood disorders. They person may develop an aggressive nature and sometimes mood disorder causing self-harm.

4. Insomnia
As these fat burners increase metabolism which results in burning lot of calories hence making you fatigue and sleepy.


5. Death
Now this can be the worst scenario which fat burning supplement can cause. Body building expert Margie James claims that that fat burning supplements can be fatal. Moreover FDA has banned the usage of fat burners containing ephedrine. This happened as fat burners containing ephederine were partially responsible for the death of prominent athlete in 2003.

Apart from all these side effects there is one more thing which I want to make clear that long term use of  fat burner may make your body used to them and when left there would be drastic fall in your metabolism making you gain more fat at a faster rate.
Now its all up to you to decide whether to take this shortcut which may become a wrong turn for you.
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