Caffeine Health Benifits And Risks


Caffeine a product consumed in many forms of diet by people all over the world especially in U.S.A. as 80% people in U.S.A. can’t imagine their day routine it hour a cup of coffee i.e. most common way of consuming caffeine. Although there are many other ways in which caffeine is consumed as in form of pills, soft drinks and infamous energy drinks present all over the globe.


If consumed in a proper manner and quantity it can workout in a better way for our health.
Many of us know that consuming caffeine stimulates our mind leading to increased alertness and decrease fatigue, it happens as caffeine inhibits different adenosine receptors and their associated G protein to make a person feel alert.

As I claimed in previous post it has a major effect on our metabolic rate and circulation
, as it increases metabolic rate which will lead in burning more fats leading to production of more energy and increasing blood pressure which can be useful for hypotensive people and those suffering from blood loss.

Caffeine help in clearing colon of an individual, encouraging healthy bowels

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5 Ways Fat Burners would Deteriorate Your Health


Hello today I am gonna write about how fat burning supplements would deteriorate your health. The market of fat burning supplements is progressing and flourishing in the modern era and most of the people are preferring these supplements considering a shortcut of getting rid of those extra calories that has accumulated on them, but they had never thought about its side effects and its functioning.
The work of fat burning supplements is to speed up the metabolic rate of an individual which leads to rapid weight loss due to fast consumption of calories and hence unwanted fat disappears from one’s body.
Now let me come to the issue of concern, i.e. side effects of fat burning supplements.

1. Remarkable Rise in Blood Pressure
As had previously described that fat burners heat up body by increasing metabolic rate causing weight lose. Some institutions like Vanderbilt University claims that fat burners containing caffeine and ephedrine lead to a remarkable increase in blood pressure. This may lead to risk of decreased circulation.

2. Dehydration
Dehydration can no doubt occur in people using these fat burners especially in summers. Many institutions like Vanderbilt University claims that fat burners containing ephedrine and caffeine can lead to dehydration leading to excess loss of water especially during workout time. 

3. Mental Instability
It has been also noticed that these fat burning supplements may lead to psychological imbalance. It may cause cause nervousness, anxiety and mood disorders. They person may develop an aggressive nature and sometimes mood disorder causing self-harm.

4. Insomnia
As these fat burners increase metabolism which results in burning lot of calories hence making you fatigue and sleepy.


5. Death
Now this can be the worst scenario which fat burning supplement can cause. Body building expert Margie James claims that that fat burning supplements can be fatal. Moreover FDA has banned the usage of fat burners containing ephedrine. This happened as fat burners containing ephederine were partially responsible for the death of prominent athlete in 2003.

Apart from all these side effects there is one more thing which I want to make clear that long term use of  fat burner may make your body used to them and when left there would be drastic fall in your metabolism making you gain more fat at a faster rate.
Now its all up to you to decide whether to take this shortcut which may become a wrong turn for you.
Your views and ideas would be welcomed in the comment box.


Marijuana (Cannabis) As A Medical Tool


Hello everyone today I gonna write on how can Marijuana (cannabis) can be a medical tool, though many of you may be be thinking that how can an addictive drug be used as  a medicine to treat ailments but many civilizations from ancient times are using it as a medicine.

when used as  medicine it is referred as medical marijuana or medical cannabis and the the components which act as a medical tool are known as cannabinoids consisting of some compounds like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), these constituents are used as in medical therapies to treat some ailments and diseases about which I would be giving a detailed description in detail but let me first make you aware about  its usage in modern times, no doubt it is a medical tool but because it is a addictive drug therefore its use is controversial and many of medical organisation like American Medical Association, MMA, The American Society of Addiction Medicine have gave an opposing views on the usage of marijuana for medical purposes. Moreover in some states of America its use in any form is completely banned, as it has side effects like memory loss, cognition problems, and risk of dependence if consumed for a long period.

Now the question arises How to administer Medical cannabis?
Medical cannabis is administered in vaporizers, smoking dried buds, as pills, chewing extracts or through oral sprayers.
Doctors also prescribe some synthetic cannibenoids like Dronabinol (used in U.S) and Nabilone (used in U.K).
Though FDA hasn’t approved smoking of marijuana as it is fatal.


Now let me tell you How Marijuana act as medical tool?
Medical cannabis act as relief to many ailments and diseases as:

Nausea and Vomiting Continue reading

Nicotine patches, gums and drug therapies-Your way to quit smoking

Hey readers it has been long since I wrote something for you this time I got an opportunity to write something different. It isn’t easy to quit smoking once a person has become habitual of smoking, but now there are many nicotine alternatives which make a person quit his smoking habit. The nicotine alternative act as a substitute to cigratte nicotine but is less harmful.
Therefore one with the prescription of a doctor can quit smoking by using one of these below mentioned ways:


1. Nicotine patches, gums and inhalers


If you’ve tried to quit before and failed because the craving for nicotine was too strong, nicotine replacement therapies may help. Gum,
lozenges, and patches are available over-the-counter of a chemist store, though one can also prefer inhalers and nasal sprays but it requires prescription. Lozenges and gums are handy and one can put it in mouth instead of putting cigarette in it. Some smokers even prefer inhalers as this mimic there act of smoking. But one thing you must keep in mind that you can’t continue smoking along with therapy. Therefore doctors prefer
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Breast Cancer – Symptoms & Treatment


Breast Cancer is a type of Cancer to which we all are familiar too and it has become one of the burning issue in medical stream. Breast cancer is a type of cancer which originates from the tissues of breast commonly from the mammary tissues, what happens is that simple tissues grow abnormally which leads in the formation of malignant tumor(s) which leads to breast cancer.
Though breast cancer is the safest among all the cancers. As it can be diagnosed as it is easily palpable while in other cancers it isn’t diagnosed early stages as no symptoms are seen. Secondly it is localized i.e. it hasn’t spread as its growth isn’t rapid. Thirdly it can be easily amputated (mastectomy).Hence if properly treated properly life can be prolonged.
Breast cancer can occur in both male and female, though the ratio of men to the women are very less. In men it is more dangerous as it shows late symptoms.
Its symptoms can be easily seen as its symptoms show some nodular deformities.



1.The first noticeable symptom of breast cancer is typically a lump that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue. More than 80% of breast cancer cases are discovered when the woman feels a lump.
2.Other symptoms can be thickening of breast, formation of dimple in the nipple, secretion of colorless or red fluid from nipple, change in skin texture of breast and change in shape of nipple.
3. Another reported symptom complex of breast cancer is Paget’s disease of the breast. This syndrome presents as skin changes resembling eczema, such as redness, discoloration, or mild flaking of the nipple skin. As Paget’s disease of the breast advances, symptoms may include tingling, itching, increased sensitivity, burning, and pain.

Genetic factors:

It also play an important role as 5-10% cases had genetic history of breast cancer. One of the example is Hollywood celebrity Continue reading

Get Rid Of Fatigue – Live A Healthy Life

My friend always says me that he gets fatigue very fast and that’s why everyone makes fun of him. I hope many of  you may be like him and want to get rid of it as he wants, I can suggest some ways by which you can get rid of fatigue.


Bring change in your lifestyle

Let me tell you fatigue is common in people of middle age and those having a lifestyle of couch potatoes and one can easily get ridof this problem if he uses a healthy life style and analyze the changes he requires to get rid out of this problem.

Relate it with your health problems

Sometimes fatigue is a common symptom of many diseases like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, anemia, thyroid disease, and sleep apnea, if you have any of these health problems then it may be the cause of your fatigue and in that case you must consult a doctor and discuss your problem with him, so he may diagnose you properly and gives you the proper medications to overcome your problem.

Sometime many subscribed drugs e.g. anti epileptic drugs may cause fatigue and if it happens you must go for the alternative of drug or make a change in your drug. Same happened with me too till the time I used Zonegran(anti epileptic drug) but later when I changed it with Epilive and my fatigue reduced a lot.

Utilize free time for workout

You may be thinking I am not serious and joking as exercising makes us feel tired. Studies and researches all over the world have proved that exercising and working out boosts up one’s energy level.

“Exercise has consistently been linked to improved vigor and overall quality of life,” says Kerry J. Stewart, professor of medicine and director of clinical and research exercise physiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “People who become active have a greater sense of self-confidence. But exercise also improves the working efficiency of your heart, lungs, and muscles,” Stewart says. “That’s the equivalent of improving the fuel efficiency of a car. It gives you more energy for any kind of activity.”

It also increases once metabolic rate by increasing the efficiency of our vital organs and makes one self confident.

Drink plenty of water

Water also plays an important role in maintaining the energy level of our body. As we all know lack of water in our body leads to dehydration which is a phase in which more energy is utilized and causes fatigue, not only me but many scientists have claimed it.

“Our research shows that dehydration makes it harder for athletes to complete a weight lifting workout,” says Dan Judelson, PhD, assistant professor of kinesiology at California State University at Fullerton.

It’s reasonable to think that dehydration causes fatigue even for people who are just doing chores.” Dehydration has Continue reading

“Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids (AS)”

Hello everyone today I am gonna talk on a serious issue i.e. side effects of Anabolic steroids.
Anabolic steroids are basically strength boosters which boost up the performance of a personality and are generally used by athletes and body builder to increase there strength & boost up there performance.
People abuse Anabolic steroids in order to excel and get success in less time. 
But let first explain you all that,
what basically an Anabolic steroid consists of?
Basically Anabolic Steroid consists of of synthetic testosterone and some byproducts of animals which increase testosterone level in the body and hence the strength in body gets increased.
Now let me come back to the topic.

Side effects:
Though Anabolic steroids effect differently on males and females but let us first talk about side effects common among both.

Basic side effects:

1. Addiction of steroids
People who abuse any type of steroids get abused he feels  restlessness and drowsy without steroids and looses his will power.

2. Psychological imbalance
People who abuse Anabolic steroids, have imbalanced psychological state as they become short tempered, anxious and depressed.

3. Abnormal body growth
Body start growing abnormally due to the excess presence of testosterone like one you have seen in movie “The Incredible Hulk” especially the body limbs.

4. Severe joint pain
As the strength has increased person works out as hard as he can and later it leads to severe joint pain or injuries.

5. Tendons may rupture
As there is drastic or sudden growth in body muscles by the extra workout using steroids which the tendons may not resist and may get ruptured.
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Role of Physical Education And Exercise In Maintenance of Health


Hello readers I am back to share some of my thoughts with you that how physical education and exercise maintains our health and keep us physically fit.
Though this topic came to my mind when I came to know that what misconceptions people have for Physical education. Many people think that Physical education is just a subject that has nothing except of playing in ground while some say that it is just wastage of time, many people have the misconception that people concerned with physical education have no status in society.
Now it’s time to make people realize how much importance this subject has in our life and how it affects our health.

Refreshes person’s mind
Physical exercises like aerobics, cardio and many other such exercises refreshes our mind and it is also said that

“If mind is sick then the whole body gets sick”

Increases muscular strength
Heavy exercises such as working out in gym, going for training and adventure sessions which increase muscle strength and endurance of a personality.
As it is also said that

“Sound mind rests in sound body”

Gives you self confidence and maintains your status in society
As I have already said many people have misconceptions that physical education and exercise doesn’t improves one’s status but its totally wrong because the strength and full shape body makes one more confident and hence he has a stable psychology and which provide one with a proper status in society.

Makes you get rid of anxiety and depression
As I have earlier also said that physical exercise is the best way to get rid of anxiety and depression as it diverts our mind and refresh our whole body.

This was all I want to say now you have to decide weather to take it as a serious matter or not.

“Dengue Fever”

Hello dear readers, it has been so long to talk to you due to some of my personal issues, but now I am back with one of the most burning topic related to health i.e. Dengue Fever which is spread in many tropical and subtropical regions.


Dengue Fever
It is a disease which is caused due to a family of virus spread by mosquitoes. It severely effect the platelet count of the person and weakness is felt in whole body, though I also had experienced this a week ago but recovered from it as it was in early stage, let me not be more personal as this blog is for the awareness of the people not a blog for my personal issues.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever
1. Continuous high fever
2. Severe headache
3. Severe joint pain
4. Muscle pain
5. Rashes on whole body
6. Drop in platelet count (Normal range 250,000-200,000)

Prevalent areas
Though the most prevalent areas of Dengue fever are Tropical and subtropical regions and in U.S.A. it is prevalent in south of Virginia.

As I have already said it is caused by a family of virus spread through mosquito bite so there no medicinal treatment but as treatment one can:
1. Treat symptoms
2. Increase intake of fluids
3. Keep on going for a blood test to check weather platelet count may not fall as prescribed by the doctor.

In the end I want to say that if diagnosed timely Dengue fever can be easily cured but I would rather say

“Prevention is better than cure”.

7 Easy Tips To Get Rid Of Alcohol And Hangovers

Hey guys and girls it has been a long time to put something special for you all and like every time today I have come with special for you.

Now let us come back to the topic, “I will quit drinking from now” every one says this in the morning after a hangover at night when they are facing headache and their stomach is moving like a washing machine,  but it is not much easy to get rid of hangovers and alcohol as it seems.
Here are some tips for those who want to quit alcohol but are unable to here it goes:
1. Drink water in order to keep yourself hydrated before going to any party .
2. Eat things which contains a lot of fat. This is because fats are absorbed better than carbohydrates and will help you to slow body absorption of alcohol.

3. Space drinks: Between each drink to dilute the alcohol in your body.
4. Stick to lighter alcohols: You should try to stick to lighter alcohols e.g. vodka, beer etc. Instead of heavy drinks e.g. rum, brandy etc. as these drinks may harm you more and are not easy to absorb.

5. Have bouillon soup to restore salts and potassium.

6. Have food or drinks that have a lots of fructose as these foods have the potential to burn alcohol more faster.
7. The biggest treatment for this addiction is to be happy believe me it is the most effective, most important and most easiest way to get rid of this addiction. A 1997: study in British Medical Journal that the most biggest reason of alcohol addiction is the sadness and depression in the life of people.

I guarantee you that these tips will help you a lot in order to get rid of this addiction.
All your comments and suggestions are welcomed.
Please do comment.