How To Reduce Your Blood Pressure Through Kidney Therapy


Hello every one I am blogging after a very long time but this time I am going to blog for a long time as I wanna make my readers more impressed by the new posts that I am going to put up now now let’s come to the topic, as we can see that these days Blood Pressure has became very common in today’s world almost 70% of people in the world are suffering from high blood pressure.And there is nothing to get surprised in it because the way we are living our life is drasticaly effecting our Blood Pressure as our life has become so tensed and deppressionful that Blood Pressure has become a common term but a new method has been introduced to reduce Blood Pressure i.e. Kidney Therapy .

It is simple procedure that involves exposing the kidneys to radio waves can cure raised blood pressure, especially among hypertension patients.

a study was conducted in Australia has shown that a new and significantly reduce raised blood pressure.This quick and relatively painless procedure sees a catheter inserted into a vein, which then uses a short burst of radio waves to deactivate nerves in the kidneys. The researchers believe that this increases blood flow to the organs, reducing activity of the hormone renin, which has a link with raised blood pressure.Now this procedure goes as follows:- Continue reading