Bad Cholesterol – Enemy Of Your Heart


Hello everyone again today I am back with a new topic and a new thinking. This time I have came with one of the most burning topic in the world of health i.e. bad cholesterol and how does it effects you, your life and your heart. First of all to all my blog readers I wanna ask you do you all clearly know what cholesterol in the dictionary of science is ?


Like crabs, fats cholesterol is a much maligned term where our health and fitness knowledge is concerned. No doubt there are myths about the term cholesterol that all cholesterol is bad for you but most of know the difference between the good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. But it is not enough to know that bad cholesterol is bad for health, you should also know the reason behind it why is it bad for you how it harms you and effects your health. As we all know that incomplete knowledge is dangerous.

Let’s know more about Bad cholesterol

Where Does Bad Cholesterol Come From?

Around 70-75% of both Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol comes from the liver and rest is consumed in form of food you eat. Your body needs cholesterol for metabolic functions like making cell membranes and digesting fats. You can’t control naturally producing Cholesterol as it is affected by (1) your genes i.e if you’ve got a family history of high levels of bad cholesterol, you might have it too and (2) age. What you can do though is control the bad cholesterol-laden food that you consume.

What Does Bad Cholesterol Do to You?

When LDL or Bad Cholesterol circulates in your blood it forms deposits on arteries on blood vessels that transport blood to heart and brain. This will gradually lead to a hard plaque on the artery walls making them thick and inflexible. If this buildup is so great that there is a blockage on these arteries, one could get heart attacks and strokes – and there’s no good way to spin either one of those results.

How can Good cholesterol help you in this case?

It carry Bad Cholesterol to Liver and tappers the buildup of the plaque on the arterial walls.

So How Do You Get Rid of Bad Cholesterol?

  1. Change your lifestyle by eating right and taking part in regular moderate to vigorous levels of exercise.
  2. Know your good fats and bad fats and which provide good cholesterol to the body and which provide bad cholesterol to the body.
  3. Start using olive oil in your food instead of cooking ingredients like butter.
  4. Seek out the right information. There are myths that range from “thin people don’t have to worry about cholesterol” to “eggs cause heart attacks because of the cholesterol.” Don’t get confused with the myths.

At last I wanna tell you in brief that eat simple healthy food and exercise.

I hope you liked it.


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